This past Sunday night, as we kicked off 2025 here at FBC, I challenged our students to make it their goal this year to live wisely and to grow in wisdom. King Solomon, one of the wisest men who ever lived, wrote the book of Proverbs. It is a book containing 31 chapters of proverbs, or...
How do we pray for our children? I know most of us would agree that we need to pray for our children. Hopefully you understand the importance of praying in general, and in specific for your parenting and for your children. Our heavenly Father loves our children far more than we ever could, and...
The new year is often a time where we make resolutions. These are usually practices or habits that we know will be good for us and we would like to try and accomplish, and the new year seems like a good time to start fresh and make some new goals. These are often things like a new diet or...
I am so excited for this next chapter of ministry to our students at FBC. Many of you know this after our member’s meeting last night, but there may be some who don’t, so I wanted to share some exciting updates for our student ministry.
My role at FBC will be...
As most students have either just started back to school, or are starting today or this week, here are 10 prayers I am praying for your students as this new school year begins. Use them to pray for your students as well if they are helpful for you!
That students work with...
In 1 Samuel chapter 12, Samuel is giving his farewell address to the people of Israel, one of the last times he will speak to them before his death. Samuel has been a prophet for many years, and established a king for Israel (against God’s wishes and his own warnings to Israel).
Suppose I want an apple. I’m not near a grocery store, but I know of a field nearby that has fruit trees in it. I walk over to the field and discover that there are different types of trees in this field. It’s an easy question, but how do I determine if I am picking and eating...
While recently scrolling through Twitter looking for important news and updates (insert sarcasm), I stumbled across a new advertising campaign from the shoe company New Balance. The hashtag for the campaign was #WeGotNow, but the two taglines for the campaign caught my attention. The first was...
How often is life hard? How often is it seemingly more than we can bear, or at least more than we want to bear? For most of us, the answer is probably more often than we would like to think. Life in a fallen world is hard, because sin is disastrous. Whether it is our own sin leading to a broken...
I always enjoy watching the movie National Treasure. It centers on Nicolas Cage’s character and his quest to find the ‘knights templar’ treasure, a treasure of incalculable value. Throughout the movie he goes to unbelievable lengths to find the clues that he believes will lead...